Whole wheat bread has more iron, vitamins and dietary fiber than white bread

McDONALD'S, Bacon Ranch Salad with Crispy Chicken
McDonald's Corporation » Fast Foods

Energy Sugar Fat
13.6 size D batteries 1.1 sugar cubes 0.2 butter sticks

A serving of 323.0g contains 342kcal, representing ± 13.6 batteries*.

A aged requires 2700kcal (107.3 batteries*) a day.

* size D, 1.5V, 19500mAh

A serving of 323.0g contains 4.75g sugars, which is comparable to ± 1.1 sugar cubes.

A serving of 323.0g contains 17.89g fat, which is comparable to ± 0.2 butter sticks.